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Best alternatives to Brackets for Mac

Check out this selection with the best alternatives to Brackets for Mac. A list curated by Uptodown's Editorial Team that includes apps like Brackets with similar features and functionalities. Don't miss our recommendations and find the perfect match for your device!
GitHub Desktop icon
Program on Mac, share on GitHub
Atom icon
Powerful GitHub-created text editor for programmers
Free Pascal icon
Pascal compiler that integrates with Xcode
Code::Blocks icon
DE for C++ that includes the MinGW compiler.
R icon
Smultron icon
Text editor that includes autocomplete and syntax highlighting
Go icon
Develop software with this efficient language
Visual Studio Code icon
A multiplatform code editor from Microsoft
Android Studio icon
The new programming environment for Android
XAMPP icon
Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl all in one package
Apache NetBeans IDE icon
Java, C and Ruby application development from your Mac
MAMP icon
Apache, MySQL and PHP Installer
PyCharm Community icon
The free version of PyCharm
Android SDK Platform-Tools (ADB) icon
Android app development kit
Fusion 360 icon
Create 3D models and designs on your Mac
Algodoo icon
Learning and inventing has never been so funny
PyCharm Professional icon
One of the best IDE for programming with Python
Aseprite icon
Create pixel art animations with this tool
MySQL Workbench icon
A visual design tool for MySQL databases